Vastavalt Kline & Company* aruande 21. väljaandele säilitab Shell Lubricants oma juhtiva staatuse ülemaailmse määrdeainete tarnijana 17. aastat järjest.

Aruanne hõlmab kõiki juhtivaid määrdeaineid tarbivate riikide turge, turusegmente, tootetüüpe ja formulatsioone. Shell säilitab edetabeli esikoha kõigis kolmes Kline’i jälgitud määrdeainete kategoorias – tarbesõidukid, kommertssõidukid  ja tööstuslikud seadmed.

Shell Määrdeainete asepresident Jason Wong rõõmustab: “ Järjekordselt on meil hea meel olla ülemaailmselt  number üks määrdeainete tarnija. See näitab, et mõeldes oma lõpptarbijale oleme keskendunud õigetele määrdeaine lahendustele ning toetame sellega kogu progressi maailmas usaldusväärsel, tõhusal ja jätkusuutlikul viisil. Meie määrdeainete äri oma juhtiva kaubamärgi, tehnoloogia ja inimestega järgib “Shelli Powering Progress” strateegiat. Seda silmas pidades oleme nüüd keskendunud oma äri transformeerimisele tänasest juhtivast ülemaailmsest määrdeainete tarnijast homseks juhtivaks määrdeainete ja vedelike lahenduste pakkujaks.”

Shell on säilitanud oma ülemaailmse liidripositsiooni ja konkurentsieelise, jätkates investeerimist esmaklassilistesse ja eristuvatesse toodetesse nagu Shell Helixi sõiduautode õlid, Shell Advance mootorrattaõlid, Shell Rimula veoauto- ja raskeveokite õlid, ning enamik maailma tööstustes eelistatud kaubamärkidesse – Shell Tellus ja Shell Gadus.

Shell oli üks esimesi, kes tõi 2019. aastal turule “E-Fluids” tootegrupi, mis aitab täna parandada elektrisõidukite jõuallikate üldist tõhusust, ohutust ja jätkusuutlikkust kogu maailmas. Selliste vedelike kasutusala ulatub aga elektrisõidukitest palju kaugemale – näiteks ühe osana meie pakkumisest andmekeskustele on Shell kasutusele võtnud sukeljahutusvedelikud (Immersion Cooling Fluid), mis on loodud jõudluse, tõhususe ja jätkusuutlikkuse piire nihutama.

Shelli eesmärk on aastaks 2050 olla nullheitega energiaäri ning aidata klientidel vähendada nende süsiniku jalajälge. Määrdeained mängivad olulist rolli selle eesmärgi toetamisel mistõttu pakub Shell veelgi rohkem säästvamaid lahendusi. Näiteks jätkusuutlikud pakendid ja ringmajanduse lahenduste väljatöötamine, mis aitavad määrdeainetega seotud jäätmeid oluliselt vähendada. Samuti rohkem jätkusuutlikke valikuid biolagunevate toodete näol.

Viimaste andmete kohaselt säilitas Shell oma liidripositsiooni globaalse turuosaga 11,6%. Sarnaselt eelmise aastaga jagunes ülemaailmne müük peaaegu võrdselt kolme segmendi vahel: 35% tarbesõidukid, 33% tööstuslikud masinad ja seadmed ning 32% kommertssõidukid.

* Turu-uuringufirma Kline & Company aruanne, Ülemaailmsed määrdeained: Turuanalüüs ja Hinnang 2022

Shell leads global lubricants market for 16ᵗʰ year

Shell Lubricants retains its status as the leading global supplier of finished lubricants for a 16th consecutive year, according to the 20th edition of Kline & Company’s report Global Lubricants: Market Analysis and Assessment 2021.


The report covers all leading lubricant consuming country markets, market segments, product types and formulations. Shell retains the number one ranking for all three lubricants categories tracked by Kline – consumer automotive, commercial automotive and industrial.

Machteld de Haan, Global Executive Vice President Shell Lubricants, said: “Our continued leadership of the global lubricants and fluids sector reflects our success in growing our base business through a focus on higher value and premium products and differentiating products, whilst continuing to build unique commercial and technical relationships. We are now focused on transforming our business, from being the leading global lubricants supplier to be the leading lubricants and fluid solutions provider of tomorrow.”

Shell was one of the first to launch an E-fluids portfolio in 2019, demonstrating technological readiness and achieving early traction with OEMs. Today, Shell E-fluids improve the reliability, efficiency and performance of electric powertrains. The business is now focusing on new fluids and a broader set of fluid management solutions, extending into thermal management of batteries, data centres, clean power and life sciences.

Shell is also delivering more sustainable solutions, with Lubricants playing a critical role in supporting Shell’s target of becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050, and helping customers reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Shell Lubricants is reducing waste through the development of sustainable packaging and circular solutions, as well as delivering more sustainable solutions through its range of biodegradable products and solutions.

According to the latest report, Shell maintained its leading global market share relative to the year prior, with a slight increase in market share (0.6%) over the next largest IOC supplier, up to 11.6%, resulting in its number one ranking.

Shell’s total volume sold was approximately 4,500-4,700 kilotonnes of finished lubricants, equivalent to approximately 4.9-5.2 billion litres. These global sales were split between the three segments at a similar percentage split as the previous year: 36% industrial, 33% consumer automotive and 31% commercial automotive.

To find out more about Shell’s capabilities and leadership in lubricants, please see the infographic.

Shell teatas Vene õli ja gaasi loobumisest

Mar 8, 2022

Shell plc (Shell) teatas täna oma kavatsusest loobuda osalusest kõigi Venemaa süsivesinike, sealhulgas toornafta, naftasaaduste, gaasi ja veeldatud maagaasi (LNG) vallas järk-järgult, kooskõlas valitsuse uute juhistega. Kohe esimese sammuna lõpetab ettevõte kõik Venemaa toornafta hetkeostud. Samuti sulgeb ta oma tanklad, lennukikütuste ja määrdeainete tootmise Venemaal. Tanklad müüakse Lukoilile.

Botafogo Service Station, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012 Shell, and Raízen joint venture. Retail. Ethanol fuel – Biofuels. 
Colour: blue, red, yellow

“We are acutely aware that our decision last week to purchase a cargo of Russian crude oil to be refined into products like petrol and diesel – despite being made with security of supplies at the forefront of our thinking – was not the right one and we are sorry. As we have already said, we will commit profits from the limited, remaining amounts of Russian oil we will process to a dedicated fund. We will work with aid partners and humanitarian agencies over the coming days and weeks to determine where the monies from this fund are best placed to alleviate the terrible consequences that this war is having on the people of Ukraine,” said Shell Chief Executive Officer, Ben van Beurden.

“Our actions to date have been guided by continuous discussions with governments about the need to disentangle society from Russian energy flows, while maintaining energy supplies. Threats today to stop pipeline flows to Europe further illustrate the difficult choices and potential consequences we face as we try to do this. Following government statements this week, I want to set out our position clearly. Unless directed by governments, we will:

  • Immediately stop buying Russian crude oil on the spot market and we will not renew term contracts.
  • At the same time, in close consultation with governments, we are changing our crude oil supply chain to remove Russian volumes. We will do this as fast as possible, but the physical location and availability of alternatives mean this could take weeks to complete and will lead to reduced throughput at some of our refineries.
  • We will shut our service stations, aviation fuels and lubricants operations in Russia. We will consider very carefully the safest way to do this, but the process will start immediately.
  • We will start our phased withdrawal from Russian petroleum products, pipeline gas and LNG. This is a complex challenge. Changing this part of the energy system will require concerted action by governments, energy suppliers and customers, and a transition to other energy supplies will take much longer. “These societal challenges highlight the dilemma between putting pressure on the Russian government over its atrocities in Ukraine and ensuring stable, secure energy supplies across Europe,” said van Beurden. “But ultimately, it is for governments to decide on the incredibly difficult trade-offs that must be made during the war in Ukraine. We will continue to work with them to help manage the potential impacts on the security of energy supplies, particularly in Europe.